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Form Letters Are Not Enough Anymore September 14, 2009

Filed under: Life in General — Carla Bobka @ 12:03 am
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Thank you very kindly... form letter disappoints

"Thank you very kindly..." form letter disappoints

Dear Tuttorosso Spaghetti Sauce,
Thank you for the coupon for a free jar of sauce. As the letter enclosed with the gift does not specify, I assume buying the sauce again will answer the question presented in my original email. As you know, from that email, my family only eats smooth sauce. Your sauce has been meeting that requirement AND tastes great. We love it.

Except for the last time we bought it; it was chunky. My kids don’t eat chunky.

The purpose for my initial correspondence was to inquire as to whether I had purchased the wrong variety or if you had changed the recipe. You asked me for a great deal of specific information about the jar in question before I allowing the email to be sent via your website. UPC code, batch number, manufacturing site, size of jar, store purchased and city/state/zip. I presumed you would use those details to address my specific concern.

The form letter I received with the coupon did not reference my question at all, in fact it doesn’t mention anything about me or my experience. It only talks to me about you and what you want me to know about your company. I had a question about the sauce I used to enjoy.

By sending me the coupon I assume you have fixed the problem. With the coupon for the free jar, least I won’t be out $3.69 if my family won’t eat it.

Best Regards,